Getting Started


Build DLC Conda Environment#

# For the local build, we will use the CPU environment
$ wget ""
$ conda env create -f DLC-CPU.yaml
$ conda activate DLC-CPU
$ pythonw
In [ ]: import deeplabcut
In [ ]: deeplabcut.launch_dlc()

Create New Project#

  • Type the name of the project and your name.
  • Select the video you want to use for the current project.
  • Check the first box, then click 'Browse' and choose a directory that you can remember.
  • Check the second box.

  • Keep the defaults then hit "Ok".

Wait until all processes are finished. When it's done, you will see the following message:

Frames were successfully extracted.

You can now label the frames using the function 'label_frames' (if you extracted enough frames for all videos).

Label Frames#

  • Click on Label Frames in the bottom.

  • Label the body parts with mouse right-click.
  • When you are done, save then quit.

  • Click on check labels.

The steps you need to do on your local computer are done. Now we will move the project to the cluster!